유용한 쿼리들

erwin query

                  select if(c.ORDINAL_POSITION = 1, t.table_name, '') as name

                        ,'' as design_level

                                        ,'' as view

                                        ,if(c.ORDINAL_POSITION = 1, t.table_name, '')  as business_name

                                        ,'' as description

                                        ,if(c.ORDINAL_POSITION = 1, t.table_comment, '')  as comment                   


                        ,if(c.column_comment = '', c.column_name, c.column_comment) as business_name

                        ,'' as description


                        ,c.ORDINAL_POSITION-1 as position

                        -- ,if(c.COLUMN_KEY='PRI', concat('XPK_', c.table_name), '') as primary_k

                        ,if(c.COLUMN_KEY='PRI', 'PRIMARY', '') as primary_k

                        ,'' as Alternate1

                                        ,'' as Alternate2

                                        ,'' as Alternate3

                                        ,'' as Alternate4

                                        ,'' as Alternate5

                                        ,'' as Inversion1

                                        ,'' as Inversion2

                                        ,'' as Inversion3

                        ,if(c.COLUMN_KEY='PRI', concat('PRIMARY(', c.ORDINAL_POSITION, ' Asc)'), '') as index1

                        ,'' as i02,'' as i03,'' as i04,'' as i05,'' as i06,'' as i07,'' as i08,'' as i09,'' as i10,'' as i11,'' as i12,'' as i13,'' as i14, '' as i15

                        ,if(c.IS_NULLABLE='YES', 'Yes', 'No') as is_optional

                        ,c.COLUMN_DEFAULT as default_value


                        ,concat('SQL_', c.DATA_TYPE, '_', ifnull(if(c.DATA_TYPE = 'decimal', c.NUMERIC_PRECISION, c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH),0)) as name

                        ,concat(c.DATA_TYPE, '_', ifnull(if(c.DATA_TYPE = 'decimal', c.NUMERIC_PRECISION, c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH),0)) as business_name

                        ,c.DATA_TYPE as data_type

                        ,upper(c.COLUMN_TYPE) as native_name

                        ,upper(c.COLUMN_TYPE) as native_business_name

                        ,ifnull(if(c.DATA_TYPE = 'decimal', c.NUMERIC_PRECISION, c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH),0) as length

                        ,ifnull(c.NUMERIC_SCALE,0) as scale

                  from information_schema.tables  t

                  join information_schema.`COLUMNS` c

                  on t.table_schema = c.table_schema

                  and t.table_name = c.table_name

                  and t.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'

                  where t.table_schema = 'erpapp' 

                  and t.table_comment <> ''

                  and t.table_name not like 'hr_conv%'

                  and t.table_comment <> 'XFI_임시테이블'

                  order by t.table_schema, t.table_name, c.ORDINAL_POSITION

results matching ""

    No results matching ""