벤치마킹용 DB, USER 생성
create database sysbench;
create user sysbench@'%' identified by 'sysbench';
create user sysbench@'localhost' identified by 'sysbench';
create user sysbench@'' identified by 'sysbench';
grant all on sysbench.* to sysbench@'%';
grant all on sysbench.* to sysbench@'localhost';
grant all on sysbench.* to sysbench@'';
sysbench source building
$ wget
$ tar xvfz sysbench-
$ cd sysbench-
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=/engn001/masvc01/sysbench --with-mysql-includes=/engn001/masvc01/GAAID/mysql/include/mysql --with-mysql-libs=/engn001/masvc01/GAAID/mysql/lib
$ make
$ make install
$ .bash_profile에 추가
export PATH=$PATH:/engn001/masvc01/sysbench/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/engn001/masvc01/GAAID/mysql/lib
test 진행
prepare -> run 단계를 거친다.
sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=10000000 --num-threads=8 --max-requests=10000 --max-time=0 \
--mysql-host=localhost --mysql-user=sysbench --mysql-password=sysbench \
--mysql-db=sysbench --mysql-table-engine=innodb \
--mysql-socket=/engn001/masvc01/GAAID/mysql/mysql.sock \
--mysql-port=3310 \
--oltp-test-mode=complex \
--oltp-read-only=off \
sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=10000000 --num-threads=8 --max-requests=10000 --max-time=0 \
--mysql-host=localhost --mysql-user=sysbench --mysql-password=sysbench \
--mysql-db=sysbench --mysql-table-engine=innodb \
--mysql-socket=/engn001/masvc01/GAAID/mysql/mysql.sock \
--mysql-port=3310 \
--oltp-test-mode=complex \
--oltp-read-only=off \
sysbench multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
No DB drivers specified, using mysql
Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 8
Random number generator seed is 0 and will be ignored
Doing OLTP test.
Running mixed OLTP test
Using Special distribution (12 iterations, 1 pct of values are returned in 75 pct cases)
Using "BEGIN" for starting transactions
Using auto_inc on the id column
Maximum number of requests for OLTP test is limited to 10000
Using 1 test tables
Threads started!
OLTP test statistics:
queries performed:
read: 140028
write: 50010
other: 20004
total: 210042
transactions: 10002 (1039.33 per sec.) <- 초당 트랜잭션 1040건
deadlocks: 0 (0.00 per sec.)
read/write requests: 190038 (19747.29 per sec.) <- 초쿼리 실행 19847건
other operations: 20004 (2078.66 per sec.)
General statistics:
total time: 9.6235s
total number of events: 10002
total time taken by event execution: 76.8922
response time:
min: 4.32ms
avg: 7.69ms
max: 68.28ms
approx. 95 percentile: 10.72ms
Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 1250.2500/9.82
execution time (avg/stddev): 9.6115/0.00